The process for getting into a competitive college,or getting a high paying job

 ''Education is a key to unlock the golden door of freedom." George Washington Carver Education is knowledge, it is a key that open's  the world to you  and you won't be able to do anything without an education. Education is The process of training and developing the knowledge.In education if you don't put anything into learning it you wont get nothing out.

   The first step into getting into a good college is having a high GPA(Grade Point Average) the performance in school .In high School Freshman's take about 7 classes if most of them are honor classes  they are going to have a high GPA .In college it is different the highest GPA is 4.0 the maximum scale is 5.0 and 6.0.

     The second thing is you must have high SAT score. SAT scores are reported on a scale from 200-800, with additional sub scores reported for the essay (ranging from 2-12) and for multiple-choice writing questions (on a 20-80 scale). Your scores tell college admissions staff how you did compared with other students who took the test . In New Jersey SAT score critical Reading SAT score:496(ranking40). Math SAT score:513(ranking 32).Writing SAT score:496(ranking35).Total Score:1505(ranking36).In SAT score New Jersey is rank number 36   

Third you must pick a highly ranked college like Stanford university, Pomona College, Princeton University ,Yale University, Columbia University, Swarthmore College, United Stated Military Academy , Harvard University, Williams  College and University of Chicago.I want to be a Teacher , lawyer and  Architect so into i find i what i want to be i don't really know what school I want to go to.

    In  conclusion without a good GPA and SAT score you would not be getting into a good school like stanford university, Pomona College, Princeton University ,Yale University, Columbia University, Swarthmore College, United Stated Military Academy , Harvard University, Williams  College and University of Chicago


1 comment:

  1. Aliyah some of the statistics aren't explained all of the way. Also don't list good schools, there are too many to mention and it is just filling up lines. To add more details and depth to your essay ask more questions and answer them throughout your essay in a logical way. 80%
