Mystic School of Arts
is 17-year-old 6”1”, 190 Ibs… brown hair and light brown eyes that loves theatre. He hopes to be an actor one day. He studies all the old actors and wish to be Brad Pitt. It was a cold
Monday morning on Dec. 9Th, around 10:45. Chris was awoken by a taping noise against his window. He got up
to go see what the noise was Chris looked out the window and snow was everywhere.
Suddenly Chris heard his mother yelling his name, “Chris, Chris!” So he ran down the stairs as fast as
flash. When Chris reached the bottom of the stairs he saw my mother sitting of the
couch with tears rolling drown her face and her eyes were as red as a tomato.
She was holding a piece of paper in her hand. He could see bright blue words
though the paper and it read, “ The Mystic School of Arts”. She jumps off the
couch an says, “Look, “Look! His heart was beating faster than the cars at the
Daytona 500 and chris started jumping with her. Chris took the paper from her and began
reading it aloud, ”Congratulations, you have been accepted to “The Mystic
School of Arts” Chris ran up the stairs and called all his friends to tell them
about the good news. Chris best
friend Zack congratulated him and suggested that they all go out and celebrate.
Well I don’t have to be there until next Monday so I guess we can go out
That night Zack who is fair skinned about
6’2”, 180 lbs., light brown showed up with his father’s bright yellow Hummer.
Chris got in and asked, “Where are we going?” Zack says, “it’s a surprise.” OK,
Chris says then he says to Zack, “not the club right?” Zack has had a problem with drinking
since the age of 15, so he is totally against going anywhere that may have
alcohol. I know, Zack says, I know, I know and they pulled into a parking
lot. There was big neon sign
lighting up like a Christmas tree but Chris couldn’t make out what it was
saying. Finally, the sign came to
a stop and read “28”, in bold red letter which was the famous new skating rink
everyone was talking about. Zack also knew since we were kids I loved to skate.
When I got out of the truck I saw all my friends. Zack had already reserved the
party room so we went directly in and began to party.
Now it is Wednesday and Chris has 4 more
days before the 1st day at The Mystic School of Arts. But orientation was tonight and Chris
was trying to decide what he wanted to wear. He decided to do some research to see if there was any
information about orientation. He
found a website called Mystic Mystery Hysteria. This website was dedicated to the freshmen class. It was now 6:00 o’clock and Chris
mother was crying again and saying my baby is going to Mystic School of
Arts. When Chris mother turned
around she let out a big yell, “AHH!”
What are you wearing his mother said, “Nothing Chris said, let’s go.”
When Chris and his Mom arrived at the
school all the students were dressed alike and they all turned left and started
walking towards the gym while the parents went to the auditorium. The gym was dark and gloomy and
everyone started humming the school song.
It was no secret that everyone knew about the website because everyone
knew exactly what to do. The gym
doors closed, “BOOM” and the lights went out. The humming stopped and it got quiet. All of a sudden a wind started going
around the gym like a tornado.
Chris dropped to his knees and started crawling. He was bumping into things but he wasn’t
sure if it was people or objects.
Suddenly it sounded like a herd of elephants and a group was behind
him. Chris didn’t look back he
just kept crawling put his hands out from time to time to feel for the
door. Suddenly his hand met with
something that seemed to be a small door, or window that led to a tunnel. It was still dark but Chris kept
crawling but could hear people behind him. Chris could see a light ahead and kept crawling towards the
light. As he got closer to the
light it became brighter and brighter.
It was so bright he could not see.
There was another BOOM then a Thud. The next thing Chris remembers was waking up in a classroom
filed with bunks with other students lying down like him. What happened were am
I Chris jumped of the bed yelling. "I have togetout of her.", Chris firhgenly said. Then a boy from on the top of the bunk bed responded back," Get out of here?" You better be lucky we made it here. What do you mean Chris answered. "What about the others?" The boy frowned, I'm afraid their gone. Then the door in the left corner opened everyone eyes opened wide and they left the room gracefully and quiet. They walked down a dark hallway into a room with so much heat the two students in the from fell to their death. Before Chris could even go in the room he glanced at a door and then he took off. Chris ran to the door where there was a big window. Chris saw his mother and screamed, "Mom, Mom you made it." but before his Mom could see him 2 men in white suits snatched him up.
Chris suddenly went to sleep when he woke he found himself in a small room with a pillow case over his head. A tall skinny man pulled if off, "Hey Chris", he said in a evil voice. But Chris was too depressed to answer. "Where is my mother", Chris asked. The man answered back, You want your mother all you have to do is win the game. Win the game what game your killing people for no reason. All these people are suffering and all you do is call it a game. It's not funny I want "OOOUUUUTTTTT", Chris screamed at the top of his lungs. But then he stopped, help it's me Mom, Chris screamed. Chris threw the knife through the man's arm and ran through the door. When he reached the hallway his mother was in a wheelchair getting pushed by a man in a white suit wearing a mask. He then pulled his mother by her arm. She ran to him and they ran through a dark room into a room with lots of holes. "They only way to win is to go through the right one Chris, his mother said. That one, he said. You cant be sure of that Chris, his mother said. Yes it is, its the highest one the hardest one to get into, he said. His mother climbed to the top and went down. "Squish" Chris and his mother fell into a pile of trash inside a dumpster. Dudes are you okay, a child asked. Its not safe. Chris responded and ran. We have to find the cops he said. As he was running a cop car hit him and knocked him into the sidewalk. Then he woke up in a cop station. A man walked in the room and asked if Chris and his Mom could describe what happened. Then Chris sighed, "We made it out." The office told Chris and his mother that they have been trying to solve the mystery of people disappearing from the orientation night of the school but no one has ever made it out to tell the story. Chris told the officer about the website that gave specific instructions to the freshmen class and said everything you need to know about orientation night will be on that website.
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